
KITPC Program “Plasmonic Nanogaps and Circuits” 10/12 – 10/30, 2015, Beijing |
- 魏红副研究员入选北京市科技新星计划。2014-12-29
- 徐红星研究员受邀担任Nanoscale副主编。2014-12-19
- 徐红星研究员应邀参加在香港召开的International Conference on Small Science (ICSS 2014)(Dec 8-11, 2014),并作邀请报告。2014-12-12
- 徐红星研究员应邀参加在韩国首尔召开的Korean Academy of Science and Technology (KAST) Frontier Scientists Symposium on Photonic Nanostructures and Nanophotonics(Dec 4-5, 2014),并作邀请报告。2014-12-6
- 丹麦技术大学Sanshui Xiao副教授访问我组。2014-10-18
- 徐红星研究员应邀参加在北京召开的SPIE Photonics Asia国际会议(Oct 9-11, 2014),并作邀请报告。2014-10-11
- 徐红星研究员应邀参加在美国盐湖城召开的The 13th International Conference on Near-Field Optics, Nanophotonics, and Related Techniques (NFO13, Aug 31 - Sep 4, 2014),并作邀请报告。2014-09-04
- 魏红副研究员应邀参加在法国巴黎召开的Condensed Matter in Paris CMD25–JMC14 (Aug 24-29, 2014),并作邀请报告。2014-08-29
- 魏红副研究员应邀参加在美国San Diego召开的SPIE Optics and Photonics 2014国际会议(Aug 17-21, 2014),并作邀请报告。2014-08-22
- 徐红星研究员应邀参加在美国San Diego召开的SPIE Optics and Photonics 2014国际会议(Aug 17-21, 2014),并作两个邀请报告。2014-08-22
- 魏红副研究员获国家自然科学基金委优秀青年科学基金项目资助。2014-08-20
- 韩国Seoul National University的Jwa-Min Nam教授访问我组,并作第54期纳米物理与器件实验室系列学术报告“Synthesis, Optics and Biosensing Applications of Plasmonic Nanostructures with Controllable Ultrasmall Nanogap”。2014-08-16
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- Hong Wei, Xiaorui Tian, Deng Pan, Li Chen, Zhili Jia, and Hongxing Xu, Nano Lett. 15, 560-564 (2015)
"Directionally-Controlled Periodic Collimated Beams of Surface Plasmon Polaritons on Metal Film in Ag Nanowire/Al2O3/Ag Film Composite Structure" >PDF
- Hong Wei, and Hongxing Xu, Mater. Today 17, 372-380 (2014)
"Plasmonics in composite nanostructures " >PDF
- Qiang Li, Hong Wei, and Hongxing Xu, Nano Lett. 14, 3358-3363 (2014)
"Resolving single plasmons generated by multiquantum-emitters on a silver nanowire" >PDF
- Deng Pan, Hong Wei, Zhili Jia, and Hongxing Xu, Scientific Reports 4, 4993 (2014)
"Mode conversion of propagating surface plasmons in nanophotonic networks induced by structural symmetry breaking" >PDF
- Zhouxian Wang, Hong Wei, Deng Pan, and Hongxing Xu, Laser Photonics Rev. 4, 596–601 (2014).
"Controlling the radiation direction of propagating surface plasmons on silver nanowires" >PDF
- Hong wei, Shunping Zhang, Xiaorui Tian , and Hongxing Xu, PNAS 110, 4494-4499 (2013)
"Highly tunable propagating surface plasmons on supported silver nanowires" >PDF
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