- Yijie Niu, Long Gao, Hongxing Xu and Hong Wei, Nanophotonics 12, 735-742 (2023)
"Strong Coupling of Multiple Plasmon Modes and Excitons with Excitation Light Controlled Active Tuning" >PDF
- Wenjun Zhang, Long Gao, Xiaohong Yan, Hongxing Xu and Hong Wei, Nanoscale 15, 7812-7819 (2023)
"Excitation and Emission Distinguished Photoluminescence Enhancement in a Plasmon–Exciton Intermediate Coupling System" >PDF
- Ning Liu, Xiaohong Yan, Long Gao, Sergey Beloshapkin, Christophe Silien, and Hong Wei, Photonics Res. 10, 1996-2007 (2022)
"Ultrathin Oxide Controlled Photocurrent Generation through a Metal–Insulator–Semiconductor Heterojunction" >PDF
- Yizhi Sun, Xiaohong Yan, Sylvain Blaize, Renaud Bachelot, Hong Wei, and Wei Ding, Opt. Express 30, 41118-41132 (2022)
"Phase-Resolved All-Fiber Reflection-Based s-NSOM for On-Chip Characterization" >PDF
- Yijie Niu, Hongxing Xu and Hong Wei, Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 167402 (2022)
"Unified Scattering and Photoluminescence Spectra for Strong Plasmon-Exciton Coupling" >PDF
- Yan Xiao-Hong, Niu Yi-Jie, Xu Hong-Xing and Wei Hong, Acta Phys. Sin 71, 067301 (2022)
"Strong coupling of single plasmonic nanoparticles and nanogaps with quantum emitters" >PDF
- Hong Wei, Xiaohong Yan, Yijie Niu, Qiang Li, Zhili Jia and Hongxing Xu, Adv. Funct. Mater 31, 2100889 (2021)
"Plasmon–Exciton Interactions: Spontaneous Emission and Strong Coupling" >PDF
- Shaoxiang Sheng, Yongfei Ji, Xiaohong Yan, Hong Wei, Yi Luo and Hongxing Xu, J. Phys. Chem. C 124, 11586-11594 (2020)
"Azo-Dimerization Mechanisms of p-Aminothiophenol and p-Nitrothiophenol Molecules on Plasmonic Metal Surfaces Revealed by Tip-/Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy" >PDF
- Xiaohong Yan and Hong Wei, Nanoscale 12, 9708-9716 (2020)
"Strong plasmon-exciton coupling between lithographically defined single metal nanoparticles
and monolayer WSe2" >PDF
- Qiang Li, Zhonghong Shi, Lijun Wu and Hong Wei, Nanoscale 12, 8397-8403 (2020)
"Resonant scattering-enhanced photothermal microscopy" >PDF
- Guoce Yang, Qixin Shen, Yijie Niu, Hong Wei, Benfeng Bai, Maiken H. Mikkelsen and Hong-Bo Sun, Laser Photonics Rev. 14, 1900213 (2020)
"Unidirectional, Ultrafast, and Bright Spontaneous Emission Source Enabled By a Hybrid Plasmonic Nanoantenna" >PDF
- Guoce Yang, Yijie Niu, Hong Wei, Benfeng Bai and Hong-Bo Sun, Nanophotonics 8, 2313-2319 (2019)
"Greatly amplified spontaneous emission of colloidal quantum dots mediated by a dielectric-plasmonic hybrid nanoantenna" >PDF
- Zhang Wen-Jun, Gao Long, Wei Hong and Xu Hong-Xing, Acta Phys. Sin. 68, 147302 (2019)
"Modulation of propagating surface plasmons" >PDF
- Qiang Li, Li Chen, Hongxing Xu, Zhaowei Liu and Hong Wei, ACS Photonics 6, 2133-2140 (2019)
"Photothermal Modulation of Propagating Surface Plasmons on
Silver Nanowires" >PDF
- Pan Li, Deng Pan, Longkun Yang, Hong Wei, Shuli He, Hongxing Xu and
Zhipeng Li, Nanoscale 11, 2153-2161 (2019)
"Silver nano-needles: focused optical field induced
solution synthesis and application in remoteexcitation
nanofocusing SERS" >PDF
- Long Gao, Li Chen, Hong Wei and Hongxing Xu, Nanoscale 10, 11923-11929 (2018)
"Lithographically fabricated gold nanowire waveguides for plasmonic routers and logic gates" >PDF
- Hong Wei, Deng Pan, Shunping Zhang, Zhipeng Li, Qiang Li, Ning Liu, Wenhui Wang, and Hongxing Xu, Chem. Rev. 118, 2882-2926 (2018)
"Plasmon Waveguiding in Nanowires" >PDF
- Qiang Li, Deng Pan, Hong Wei, and Hongxing Xu, Nano Lett. 18, 2009−2015 (2018)
"Plasmon-Assisted Selective and Super-Resolving Excitation of Individual Quantum Emitters on a Metal Nanowire" >PDF
- Wenjing Zhao, Rong-Yao Wang, Hong Wei, Jingliang Li, Yinglu Ji, Xinxin Jiang, Xiaochun Wu and Xiangdong Zhang, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 19, 21401-21406 (2017)
"Recognition of chiral zwitterionic interactions at nanoscale interfaces by chiroplasmonic nanosensors" >PDF
- Zhili Jia, Hong Wei, Deng Pan, and Hongxing Xu, Nanoscale 8, 20118 (2016)
"Direction-resolved radiation from polarization controlled surface plasmon modes on silver nanowire antennas" >PDF
- Ning Liu, Agnieszka Gocalinska, John Justice, Farzan Gity, Ian Povey, Brendan McCarthy, Martyn Pemble, Emanuele Pelucchi, Hong Wei, Christophe Silien, Hongxing Xu, and Brian Corbett, Nano Lett. (2016)
"Lithographically Defined, Room Temperature Low Threshold Subwavelength Red-Emitting Hybrid Plasmonic Lasers" >PDF
- Deng Pan, Hong Wei, Long Gao, and Hongxing Xu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 166803 (2016)
"Strong Spin-Orbit Interaction of Light in Plasmonic Nanostructures and Nanocircuits" >PDF
- Hongyan Liang, Hong Wei, and Hongxing Xu, Front. Phys. 11, 117301 (2016)
"Deviating from the nanorod shape: Shape-dependent plasmonic properties of silver nanorice and nanocarrot structures" >PDF
- Qiang Li, Hong Wei, and Hongxing Xu, Nano Lett. 15, 8181–8187 (2015)
"Quantum Yield of Single Surface Plasmons Generated by a Quantum Dot Coupled with a Silver Nanowire" >PDF
- Hong Wei, Deng Pan, and Hongxing Xu, Nanoscale 7, 19053-19059 (2015)
"Routing of surface plasmons in silver nanowire networks controlled by polarization and coating" >PDF
- Dawei Zhai, Peng Wang, Rongyao Wang, Xiaorui Tian, Yinglu Ji,Wenjing Zhindeao, Luming Wang, Hong Wei, Xiaochun Wu and Xiangdong Zhang, Nanoscale 7, 10690-10698 (2015)
"Plasmonic polymers with strong chiroptical response for sensing molecular chirality" >PDF
- Hongyan Liang, Hong Wei, Deng Pan and Hongxing Xu, Nanotechnol. Rev. 4, 289-302 (2015)
"Chemically synthesized noble metal nanostructures for plasmonics" >PDF
- Hong Wei, Xiaorui Tian, Deng Pan, Li Chen, Zhili Jia, and Hongxing Xu, Nano Lett. 15, 560-564 (2015)
"Directionally-Controlled Periodic Collimated Beams of Surface Plasmon Polaritons on Metal Film in Ag Nanowire/Al2O3/Ag Film Composite Structure" >PDF
- Hong Wei, and Hongxing Xu, Mater. Today 17, 372-380 (2014)
"Plasmonics in composite nanostructures " >PDF
- Qiang Li, Hong Wei, and Hongxing Xu, Proc. SPIE 9163, 91630Z (2014)
"Plasmon-exciton coupling between silver nanowire and two quantum dots" >PDF
- Zhili Jia , Hong Wei, Deng Pan, and Hongxing Xu, Proc. SPIE 9163, 91630O (2014)
"Mode control and loss compensation of propagating surface plasmons" >PDF
- Qiang Li, Hong Wei, and Hongxing Xu, Chin. Phys. B 23, 097302 (2014)
"Remote excitation and remote detection of a single quantum dot using propagating surface plasmons on silver nanowire " >PDF
- Qiang Li, Hong Wei, and Hongxing Xu, Nano Lett. 14, 3358-3363 (2014)
"Resolving single plasmons generated by multiquantum-emitters on a silver nanowire" >PDF
- Lianming Tong, Hong Wei, Shunping Zhang, and Hongxing Xu, Sensors 14, 7959-7973 (2014)
"Recent advances in plasmonic sensors" >PDF
- Deng Pan, Hong Wei, Zhili Jia, and Hongxing Xu, Sci. Rep. 4, 4993 (2014)
"Mode conversion of propagating surface plasmons in nanophotonic networks induced by structural symmetry breaking" >PDF
- Zhuoxian Wang, Hong Wei, Deng Pan, and Hongxing Xu, Laser Photonics Rev. 4, 596–601 (2014)
"Controlling the radiation direction of propagating surface plasmons on silver nanowires" >PDF
- Li Chen, Hong Wei, and Hongxing Xu, Chin. Phys. B 23, 027303 (2014)
"High-order plasmon resonances in an Ag/Al2O3 core/ shell nanorice" >PDF
- Hong Wei and Hongxing Xu, SPIE Newsroom 10.1117/2.1201308.004963 (2013)
"Nanophotonic boolean logic in metal nanowire networks" >PDF
- Hong Wei and Hongxing Xu, Nanoscale 5, 10794-10805 (2013)
"Hot spots in different metal nanostructures for plasmon-enhanced Raman spectroscopy" >PDF
- Deng Pan, Hong Wei and Hongxing Xu, Chin. Phys. B 22, 097305 (2013)
"Metallic nanowires for subwavelength waveguiding and nanophotonic devices" >PDF
- Jing Li , Hong Wei, Hao Shen, Zhuoxian Wang, Zhensheng Zhao, Xuanming Duan and Hongxing Xu, Nanoscale 5, 8494-8499 (2013)
"Electric source of surface plasmon polaritons based on hybrid Au-GaAs QW structure" >PDF
- Ning Liu, Hong wei, Jing Li, Zhuoxian Wang, Xiaorui Tian, Anlian Pan, and Hongxing Xu, Sci. Rep. 3, 1967 (2013)
"Plasmonic amplification with ultra-high optical gain at room temperature" >PDF
- Deng Pan, Hong wei, and Hongxing Xu, Opt. Express 21, 9556-9562 (2013)
"Optical interferometric logic gates based on metal slot waveguide network realizing whole fundamental logic operations" >PDF
- Lianming Tong, Hong Wei,Shunping Zhang,Zhipeng Li,and Hongxing Xu, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 15, 4100-4109 (2013)
"Optical properties of Single Coupled Plasmonic Nanoparticles" >PDF
- Hong wei,Shunping Zhang,Xiaorui Tian , and Hongxing Xu, PNAS 110, 4494-4499 (2013)
"Highly tunable propagating surface plasmons on supported silver nanowires" >PDF
- Hong Wei, and Hongxing Xu, Nanoscale 4, 7149-7154 (2012)
"Conrtolling surface plasmon interference in branched silver nanowire structures" >PDF
- Xiaorui Tian, Ning Liu, Hong Wei, and Hongxing Xu, Proc. SPIE 8457, 84571N (2012)
"Excitation and propagation of surface plasmons on metallic nanowires" >PDF
- Hong Wei, and Hongxing Xu, Nanophotonics 1, 155-169 (2012)
"Nanowire-based plasmonics waveguides and devices for integrated nanophotonic circuits" >PDF
- Fengzi Cong, Hong Wei, Xiaorui Tian, and Hongxing Xu, Front. Phys. 7, 521-526 (2012)
"A facile synthesis of branched silver nanowire structures and its applications in surface-enhanced Raman scattering" >PDF
- Zhu yin, Wei Hong, Yang Pengfei, Xu Hongxing, Chin. Phys. Lett. 29, 077302 (2012)
"Controllable Excitation of Surface Plasmons in End-to-Trunk Coupled Silver Nanowire Structures" >PDF
- Hong Wei, Zhuoxian Wang, Xiaorui Tian, Mikael Kall, and Hongxing Xu, Nat. Commun. 2, 387 (2011)
"Cascaded logic gates in nanophotonic plasmon networks" >PDF
- Hong Wei, Zhipeng Li, Xiaorui Tian, Zhuoxian Wang, Fengzi Cong, Ning Liu, Shunping Zhang, Peter Nordlander, Naomi J. Halas, and Hongxing Xu, Nano Lett. 11, 471-475 (2011)
"Quantum Dot-Based Local Field Imaging Reveals Plasmon-Based Interferometric Logic in Silver Nanowire Networks" >PDF
- Shunping Zhang, Hong Wei, Kui Bao, Ulf Hakanson, Naomi J. Halas, Peter Nordlander, and Hongxing Xu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 096801(2011)
"Chiral Surface Plasmon Polaritons on Metallic Nanowires " >PDF
- Bin Zhang, Ping Xu, Xinmiao Xie, Hong Wei, Zhipeng Li, Nathan H. Mack, Xijiang Han, Hongxing Xu and Hsing-Lin Wang, J. Mater. Chem. 21, 2495-2501 (2011)
"Acid-directed synthesis of SERS-active hierarchical assemblies of silver nanostructures" >PDF
- Hong Wei, and Hongxing Xu, Proc. SPIE 8096, 80961W (2011)
"Plasmonic logic gates and devices in silver nanowire networks" >PDF
- Hong Wei, Alejandro Reyes-Coronado, Peter Nordlander, Javier Aizpurua and Hongxing Xu, Acs Nano 4, 2649-2654 (2010)
"Multipolar plasmon resonances in individual Ag nanorice " >PDF
- Kristen D. Alexander, Kwan Skinner, Shunping Zhang, Hong Wei, and Rene Lopez, Nano Lett. 10, 4488-4493 (2010)
"Tunable SERS in Gold Nanorod Dimers through Strain Control on an Elastomeric Substrate" >PDF
- Hong Wei, and Hongxing Xu, Sci. China Phys. Mech. 40, 1-15 (2010)
"Single Molecule Surface-enhanced Spectroscopy " >PDF
- ZhiQiang Guan, Ulf H?kanson, Nicklas Anttu, Hong Wei, HongQi Xu, Lars Montelius, HongXing Xu, Chinese Sci. Bull. 55, 2643-2648 (2010)
"Surface-enhanced Raman scattering on dual-layer metallic grating structures" >PDF
- Hongyan Liang, Wenzhong Wang, Yingzhou Huang, Shunping Zhang, Hong Wei, and Hongxing Xu, J. Phys. Chem. C 114, 7427-7431(2010)
"Controlled Synthesis of Uniform Silver Nanospheres" >PDF
- Yingzhou Huang , Wenzhong Wang, Hongyan Liang, Hong Wei, Hongxing Xu, J. Nanosci. Nanotechno. 10, 7515-7518 (2010)
"Ultrasonic-Assisted Synthesis of Au Nanobelts and Nanowires">PDF
- Weidong He, Hong Wei, Zhipeng Li, Yingzhou Huang, Yurui Fang, Ping Li, Hongxing Xu, Proc. SPIE 7757, 775718 (2010)
"Propagating plasmons on silver nanowires" >PDF
- Hong Wei, Daniel Ratchford, Xiaoqin (Elaine) Li, Hongxing Xu, and Chih-Kang Shih, Nano Lett. 9, 4168-4171(2009)
"Propagating Surface Plasmon Induced Photon Emission from Quantum Dots " >PDF
- Yurui Fang, Hong Wei, Feng Hao, Peter Nordlander, and Hongxing Xu. Nano Lett. 9, 2049-2053(2009)
"Remote Excitation Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Using Propagating Ag Nanowire Plasmons" >PDF
- Hong Wei, Zhipeng Li, Yurui Fang, Feng Hao, Timur Shegai, Tali Dadosh, Yingzhou Huang, Wenzhong Wang, Zhenyu Zhang, Gilad Haran, Peter Nordlander, Hongxing Xu, Proc. SPIE 7395, 73950T(2009)
"Control light propagation and polarization with plasmons for surface-enhanced Raman scattering " >PDF
- Hong Wei,Feng Hao,Yingzhou Huang,Wenzhong Wang,Peter Nordlander,Hongxing Xu*. Nano Lett. 8, 2497-2502 (2008)
"Polarization Dependence of Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering in Gold Nanoparticle-Nanowire Systems" >PDF
- Hong Wei, Ulf Hakanson, Zhilin Yang, Fredrik Hook, Hongxing Xu*. Small 4, 1296-1300 (2008)
"Individual Nanometer Hole–Particle Pairs for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering" >PDF
- Hong Wei, Hongxing Xu. Appl. Phys. A-Mater. 89, 273-275 (2007)
"Surface-enhanced Raman scattering of λ-DNA" >PDF
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